Daisy Cookies (Virtual Flower Show)

My dad has been known to say that, no matter the weather or the actual date, the real start of spring is the week of the Philadelphia Flower Show. If you have never been, it is a HUGE room full of scenes made entirely of, or heavily featuring flowers, all revolving around a particular theme. I have been there once. My friend and I decided to take our now five-and-a-half year olds, back when they were just over eighteen months. We thought it would be a lovely Wednesday morning. We would push the kids around in their strollers, look at the exhibits, then go across the street to the Reading Terminal Market for lunch. I wish it had been as nice as it sounded. Believe it or not, some people are just NOT nice to women with strollers. We actually overheard someone say that the Flower Show is no place for kids. I haven’t been able to bring myself to go back.

I was so excited when I got an email from Hani of Haniela’s asking me to participate in a virtual flower show. Her page is one of my FAVORITE pages. Not only does she do amazing cookies, but she also makes beautiful food in general, takes STUNNING photographs of those cookies and food, and shares them with the world!

For this project, we were each assigned a flower to create (along with a tutorial) and, I can tell you, she probably heard me scream when I found out I was doing a daisy. I mean, my daughter is a Daisy (the kindergarten and first grade level of Girl Scouts) and I was her troop’s “cookie mom” this year. And my book club just read “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, so I know that the meaning of the daisy is “innocence” and that is just perfect. Plus daisies are relatively easy, and I am fairly intimidated by the other cookiers included here. So enough talk, and let’s decorate a daisy.

You will need:

  • white icing, in piping and flood consistency
  • yellow piping icing
  • a yellow premade royal icing transfer in the shape of a circle (I try to use my leftover flood icing to make circles in various sizes to save for later)
  • disco dust

Cut out your daisy shape and outline the petals.

Fill your petals and let dry several hours or overnight.

While your petals are drying, pipe a design onto your premade circle (I made a swirl, you can do whatever looks fun to you!) and cover with disco dust.

When everything is dry, brush away the extra disco dust and use a little piping icing (in either color) to attach the circle to the center of the petals. You can leave it like this, or you can go nuts with the glittery stuff. I went nuts.

I was actually so intimidated by this project, that I made FIVE versions of daisy cookies, yes FIVE, before choosing this one to share.

So for the next week or two, I will have a few more daisy tutorials to share.

Despite what she thinks, you probably don’t need to eat the center first so the bees don’t get it.

I hope you enjoyed the Daisy Exhibit! Please go check out the rest of the amazing flowers at this Virtual Flower Show, you can do it from the comfort of your living room, and not have to worry about snide comments from grouchy people about women with strollers (and if you ARE one of those grouchy people, you don’t have to worry about getting your foot run over by a woman with a stroller).

1. Black Eye Susan by Lisa, The Bearfoot Baker
2. Carnation by Meaghan, The Decorated Cookie
3. Cherry Tree Flower by Pam, Cookie Crazie
4. Daffodil by Georganne, LilaLoa
5. Daisy by Stephanie, Ellies Bites
6. Dogwood by Marian, Sweetopia
7. Gerbera by Paula, Vanilla Bean Baker
8. Hyacinth by Amber, SweetAmbs
9. Hydrangea by Kim, The Partiologist
10. Iris by Cristin, Cristin’s Cookies
11. Lavender by Liz, Arty McGoo
12. Lily of The Valley by Hani, Haniela’s
13. Lotus by Marlyn, Montreal Confections
14. Morning Glory by Glory, Glorious Treats
15. Orchid by Ali, Ali Bee’s Bake Shop
16. Pansy Nicole, Life’s A Batch
17. Poppy by Callye,  SweetSugarBelle
18. Sunflower by Bea, Cancun Cookies
19. Tulip by Lorriane, LorrainesCookies

(This post was updated with the permalinks to the cookie party posts. Enjoy!!!! And thank you Hani for putting this all together and making it so easy!)