Frozen Cookies

So. As I had mentioned here, our household is more than a little obsessed with the movie Frozen.

Every morning Ben wakes up Ellie the same way Anna wakes up Elsa in the beginning of the movie. Then, they silently run downstairs where they “ice skate” (slide around in socks on the hard wood) in the “ball room” (table-less dining room).

Every time I dare to shut the bathroom door, my two kids stand outside the door singing “do you want to build a snowman”.

Ben actually thinks he’s Olaf. Well, sometimes he thinks he’s Harry Potter and sometimes he thinks he’s R2D2. He’s almost four.

Anyway, I made some Frozen cookies for my friend’s daughter’s fifth birthday. Although I don’t have a tutorial or anything, I wanted to share them. They were as stressful as character cookies can be, while being so much fun to make at the same time.

Frozen Anna Elsa Olaf (Ellie's Bites)



I shared in this post how I make character cookies, since I don’t have a KopyKake. Although I THINK the skillz have improved a little, I still do it the same way. It’s tedious but it does the trick for now.

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